
Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi
Mail nborekci@metu.edu.tr
Phone +90 312 210 2216
Room 54
Research Interests
Design methods; design for all; industrial design education; university-industry collaboration in industrial design education.
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Design (1998-2003)
Kent Institute of Art & Design–University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
“The Design Process of a Toy with Educational Objectives for Blind and Visually Impaired Pre-school Children: A Design Process Model for Problem Identification, Novel Concept Development, and Frequent Involvement of the User Group.”
September, 2002. Lead Supervisor: Dr. Tevfik Balcıoğlu. Co-supervisor: Prof. Glynis Murphy.
Master of Fine Arts (1995-1997)
Bilkent University Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design.
“Experiencing Space without Vision.”
May, 1997. Supervisor: Asist. Prof. Dr. Halime Demirkan.
Bachelor of Industrial Design (1991-1995)
Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture
Department of Industrial Design
Educational Practice
05.2004 (since) / Assistant Professor, METU Department of Industrial Design
05.2003-05.2004 / Instructor, METU Department of Industrial Design
09.2001-05.2003 / Part-time Instructor, METU Department of Industrial Design
07.1997-12.1997 / Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, Biennial Department
09.1995-05.1997 / Research Assistant, Bilkent University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Fall Semesters
ID401 Industrial Design V (with Studio Team)
ID301 Industrial Design III (with Studio Team)
ID506 Design Methods
Spring Semesters
ID402 Graduation Project (with Studio Team)
ID302 Industrial Design IV (with Studio Team)
ID236 Manufacturing Materials (with Course Team)
ARCH517 Principles of Universal Design (with Course Team)
Aydın, M. ve Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2016). ‘Ev Tipi Medikal Cihazların Kullanım Bağlamına Yönelik Etkenler Üzerine Bir Çalışma’. In N.A.G.Z. Börekçi, D. Özgen Koçyıldırım & A. Günay (Eds.), Proceedings of UTAK2016 2. Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Sorumluluk, Bağlam, Deneyim ve Tasarım (to be published). Ankara, Turkey: METU Department of Industrial Design. 21-23 September 2016.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2016). ‘Visual Thinking Styles and Idea Generation Strategies Employed in Visual Brainstorming Sessions’. In P. Lloyd & E. Bohemia (Eds.), Proceedings of DRS2016 50th Anniversary Conference, Vol. 2 (pp. 795-812). Design Research Society. Brighton, UK: University of Brighton. 27-30 June 2016.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z., Kaygan, P. and Hasdoğan, G. (2016). ‘Concept development for vehicle design education projects carried out in collaboration with industry’. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 50, 2016 (pp. 751-758). Stockholm, Sweden: 26th CIRP Design Conference, KTH, 15-17 June 2016.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2015). ‘Usage of design thinking tactics and idea generation strategies in a brainstorming session’. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture METU, 32(2): 1-17.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2015). ‘Project Development Levels and Team Characteristics in Design Education.’ In R. VandeZende, E. Bohemia & I. Digranes (Eds.), Proceedings of LearnxDesign 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, (pp. 264-277). CUMULUS Association / DRS SIG on Design Pedagogy / DESIGN-ED. Coalition. Chicago, USA: School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 28-30 June 2015.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2014). ‘Beyin Fırtınası Yöntemiyle Ambalaj Tasarımına Yönelik Çözüm Alanları Önerilmesinde İzlenen Düşünce Taktikleri ve Stratejiler’. In P. Kaygan & H. Kaygan (Eds.), Proceedings of UTAK 2014 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Eğitim, Araştırma, Meslek ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, (pp. 273-286). Ankara, Turkey: METU Department of Industrial Design. 10-12 September 2014.
Alparslan, M. and Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2011). ‘Areas of Expertise, Types of Services Given and Client Industries of Design Consultancy Firms in Turkey’. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture METU, 28(1): 131-146.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2011). ‘Geleceğin Banyosuna Güncel Yansımalar (ODTÜ EÜTB ve Kale Grubu İşbirliğinde Gerçekleştirilen Bir Eğitim Projesi: Yatak Odası ile Birleşen Açık Plan Banyo)’. Banyo+Mutfak, Şubat-Mart (February-March) 2011. Boyut Yayın Grubu. (75): 200-207.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2011). ‘Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı ve Ürün Geliştirme Süreci’. ODTÜ’lüler Bülteni, Nisan (April) 2011. (206): 38-39.
Keskin, D., Brezet, H., Börekçi, N. and Diehl J.C. (2008) ‘An Analysis of Public Use Bicycle Systems from a Product-Service System Perspective’. In I. Hovarth & Z. Rusak (Eds.), Proceedings of International TMCE 2008 Symposium Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, (Vol. 2, pp.1113-1122). İzmir, Turkey, 21-25 April 2008.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2007) ‘Tasarımcı Gözünden Çocuk Ürünlerinde ve Oyuncaklarda Güvenlik Standartları’. TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi, TM Birimi, TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş. (5): 68-73.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2006) ‘İki Ürün Degerlendirmesi: Kullanım Senaryosu, Fiziksel Etkileşim ve Çözüm’. TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi, TM Birimi, TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş. (1): 92-93.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z., Korkut, F. and Hasdoğan, G. (2006). ‘Implications of Collaboration with Industry for Educational Strategies in Industrial Design: A Case of Graduation Project Course’. In A. Davies (Ed.), Proceedings of CLTAD 3rd Int. Conference: Enhancing Curricula (pp. 137-159). The Center for Learning and Teaching in Art & Design, UK, 6-7 April 2006.
Hasdoğan, G., Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. & Korkut, F. (2006). ‘Understanding User Experience for Scenario Building: A Case in Public Transport Design’. In P.D. Bust (Ed.), Proceedings of Contemporary Ergonomics (pp. 189-193). The Ergonomics Society, Taylor & Francis, UK.
Korkut, F. and Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2005). ‘Dynamics of Collaboration with Industry in Industrial Design Education: The Case of a Graduation Project Course’. In P. Rodgers, L. Brodhurst & D. Hepburn (Eds.) Crossing Design Boundaries: Proceedings of the 3rd Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference (pp.477-481). Taylor & Francis, UK.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z., Korkut, F. and Hasdoğan, G. (2005). ‘Glass Packaging for Food and Beverage Products: Design Process and Innovation Strategies in an Educational Project’. In M. Gül & E.S. Umdu (Eds.), Proceedings of IV. International Packaging Congress and Exhibition, (Vol. 2, pp. 637-646). İzmir, Turkey: TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası.
Hasdoğan, G., Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. and Korkut, F. (2006) ‘Endüstri Destekli Eğitim Projelerinde Tasarım Sürecini Etkileyen Faktörler: Öğrenci Değerlendirmesine Dayalı bir Vaka Çalışması’. In A.Er, Ş.Timur, E.Arıburun, H.Bağlı, A.O.İlhan, A.Z.Turan, G.Turan, E. Küçüksayraç, & A. Enşici (Eds.), Proceedings of III. Ulusal Tasarım Kongresi: Türkiye’de Tasarımı Tartışmak (pp. 96-107). İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü. 19-22 Haziran (June) 2006.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2003). ‘Representing Design-related Activities towards a Common Understanding of the Design Process’. In E. Corte-Real, C.A.M. Duarte, and F.C. Rodrigues (Eds.), Proceedings of Senses and Sensibility in Technology – Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design (pp. 46-51). 1st International Meeting of Science and Technology of Design. Lisbon, Portugal: IADE – Instituto de Artes Visuais Design e Marketing, 25-26 September 2003.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2002). ‘Design as a Collaborative Process: A Systematic and Constructive Model for Developing Play Material for Blind/Visually Impaired Pre-school Children’. In M.M. Andreasen, H. Birkhofer, and D. Marjanovic, (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Design Conference: Design 2002 (pp. 749-754). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. 14-17 May 2002.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2002). ‘Görme Engelli Okul Öncesi Çağı Çocukları için Oyuncak Tasarımları: Hedefler, Süreç ve Sonuç’. In L. Bıyıklı, B. Baydık, and P. Ünsal (Eds.), Proceedings of 12. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi (pp. 183-191). Ankara, Turkey: Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Bölümü, 11-12 November 2002.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. and Demirkan, H. (2000). ‘The 16 Cubes Game for Children who are Visually Impaired’. Research note. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 94(6): 396-399.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2000). ‘Design Research as a(n) Interdisciplinary/Interactive/Self-developing Process: Theoretical Formulations in Designing Toys for Visually Impaired Pre-school Children’. In S. Pizzocaro, A. Arruda, and D. de Moraes (Eds.), Proceedings of DESIGNplusRESEARCH International Conference (pp. 386-391). Milano, Italy: Politecnico di Milano.
Unpublished Presentations, Seminars and Panels
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. and Hoşgün Soylu, M. (2016). ‘Tarihi Kent Dokusunu Yansıtan Kent Mobilyası Ailesi Çalıştayı Sonuçlarının Sunumu’. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Mimarlık Haftası 2016 Çalıştayları. 5 November 2016. Presentation of workshop results.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. and Hoşgün Soylu, M. (2008). ‘Kent Merkezi Kızılay’da Kent Objeleri: Ürün Ailesi Çalıştayı Sonuçlarının Sunumu’. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Mimarlık Şenliği. Ankara Palas, 13 October 2008. Presentation and exhibition of workshop results.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2008). ‘Industrial Design in Turkey: Education, Research and Practice’. Jump Start to Design Research International Workshop. TUDelft, The Netherlands, 6-12 July 2008.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2008). Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Tasarım Şenliği. METU College, Ankara, 10 April 2008. Panelist and presentation.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z. (2008). ‘Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Alanında Yükseltme ve Atama Kriterleri’. Panel: Tasarım Dallarında Akademik Yükseltme ve Atama Kriterleri. Çankaya University Department of Interior Architecture, Ankara, 28 March 2008. Panelist and presentation.
Börekçi, N.A.G.Z., Şener-Pedgley, B., and Kuijer, L. (2008). ‘Setting up a Joint International Programme: METU and DUT Collaboration for the Research in Design for Interaction Master of Science Programme’. NIHA Conference: COMMON FUTURE Towards a more intensive cooperation between Turkey and the Netherlands. Ankara: 13-16 January 2008.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2005). ‘Evrensel Tasarım İlkelerini Empati Kurma Yöntemi ile Anlama: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi’nde Bir Çalışma’. Uluslararası Yeni Yapılaşma Sergisi kapsamında Mimaride Yenilikler Kolokyumu. Goethe Institut, Ankara, 2 December 2005.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (2002). ‘Görme Engelli Çocuklar için Oyuncak Tasarımı. Sanart Uluslararası Sempozyum, Atölye ve Sanat Etkinlikleri: Sanat ve Sosyal Adanmışlık. METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, 1-3 May 2002.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (1999). ‘A Completed Experimental Research and the Methodology of an Ongoing Non-experimental Research: Toys for Blind/Visually Impaired Children’. Matrix 4th International Conference. Central Saint Martins, London, UK, 6-8 June 1999.
Evyapan, N.A.G.Z. (1998). ‘Toys for Blind and Visually Impaired Children: Development of Toys as Industrial Products with Rehabilitative and Educational Aims’. Quantum Leap: Managing New Product Innovation, Conference of the Design Research Society. University of Central England, Birmingham, UK, 8-10 September 1998. Poster paper.
Administrative Duties
2015 January (since) / TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Meraklı Minik children’s periodical, Member of the Publication Advisory Board.
2015 January (since) / Member of the Faculty Executive Board.
2015 January (since) / Member of the Journal of Faculty of Architecture Editorial Board.
2010-2011 / Vice Chairperson, METU Department of Industrial Design.
2004-2009 / Vice Chairperson, METU Department of Industrial Design.
2004-2006 / President of Industrial Designers’ Society of Turkey (ETMK).
Development of Graduate Programs
2007-2008 Development of the International METU-TUDelft Joint Master of Science Programme for Design Research for Interaction. Contributors: Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar Şener-Pedgley, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Inst. Dr. Canan E. Ünlü, Prof. Paul Hekkert, JC Diehl, Lenneke Kuijer.
2004 Development of the METU Department of Industrial Design Doctorate Programme. Contributors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay Hasdoğan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Evyapan, Inst. Dr. Canan E. Ünlü, Inst. Dr. Aren Kurtgözü.
Conference, Workshop and Panel Organization
Design Workshop for Idea Generation: Çankaya Belediyesi sınırlarındaki parkların tasarımının ve kullanım biçimlerinin iyileştirilmesi: Açık hava oturma birimleri (Design improvement for parks of the Çankaya Municipality). TOBB-ETÜ Department of Industrial Design, EUT425 Tasarım Yöntemleri. Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Armağan Karahanoğlu. 1 November 2016. Organisation of a studio session for responding to the sketch problem “outdoor seating”.
Tarihi Kent Dokusunu Yansıtan Kent Mobilyası Ailesi Çalıştayı (Outdoor Product Family Workshop for Historical City Sites). 15 and 22 October 2016. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Mimarlık Haftası 2016 Çalıştayları. Organizers: Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Mine Hoşgün Soylu.
UTAK2016 2. Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Sorumluluk, Bağlam, Deneyim ve Tasarım. 21-23 September 2016, METU Faculty of Architecture, Ankara. Organisation Committee: Prof. Dr. Gülay Hasdoğan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Inst. Dalsu Özgen Koçyıldırım, Res. Asst. Aslı Günay.
Design Workshop for Idea Generation: Semt pazarlarının daha iyi koşullarda olması için yaratıcı çözümler (Creative design solutions for the neighbourhood open markets). TOBB-ETÜ Department of Industrial Design, EUT425 Tasarım Yöntemleri. Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Armağan Kuru. 11 February 2016. Organisation of a studio session for responding to the sketch problem “mobility in the open market”.
Design Workshop for Idea Generation: Healthcare – When Living Requires Assistance. METU Faculty of Architecture, ARCH 401 Architectural Design Studio. Course Instructors: Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan, Part-Time Inst. Rüya Ipek Balaban, Res. Asst. Egemen Berker Kızılcan. 19 November 2015. Organisation of a studio session for responding to the sketch problem “a seating unit for special needs users that accommodates the seating and postural needs arising for their various daily activities”.
UTAK 2014 Birinci Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı. 10-12 September 2014, METU Department of Industrial Design. Contributors: Prof. Dr. Gülay Hasdoğan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar Kaygan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağla Doğan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Harun Kaygan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatma Korkut, Res. Asst. Aykut Coşkun, Res. Asst. Sedef Süner.
Kick-off Workshop for the International METU-TUDelft Joint Master of Science Programme for Design Research for Interaction. September 2008, METU Department of Industrial Design. Contributors: Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar Şener-Pedgley, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Inst. Dr. Canan E. Ünlü, Prof. Paul Hekkert, JC Diehl, Lenneke Kuijer.
Workshop for the International METU-TUDelft Joint Master of Science Programme for Design Research for Interaction. July 2007, METU Department of Industrial Design. Contributors: Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar Şener-Pedgley, Asst. Prof. Dr. Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Inst. Dr. Canan E. Ünlü, Prof. Paul Hekkert, JC Diehl, Lenneke Kuijer.
ETMK Kent Merkezi Kızılay’da Kent Objeleri: Ürün Ailesi Çalıştayı (Product Family Workshop: City Objects for Kızılay City Center). October 2008, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Mimarlık Şenliği. Organizers: Naz A.G.Z. Börekçi, Mine Hoşgün Soylu.
ETMK Trend Paneli. 30 April 2005, IMOB 2005 İstanbul Furniture Fair, CNR Expo Center, Istanbul. Panel moderator: Hakan Ertem, Chairperson, Marmara University Department of Industrial Design. Panelists: Ali E. Bakova, Gerekli Şeyler, vs.; Ece Günay, Trio Design; Alp Nuhoğlu, B&T Design; Seyhan Özdemir, Autoban; Tanju Özelgin, Parlak Kırmızı; Aylin Sayek, Design Reporter, Milliyet.
Fourth International Conference on Design and Emotion. 12-14 July 2004, METU Department of Industrial Design and Design and Emotion Society, Ankara. Contributors: G. Hasdoğan, N.A.G.Z. Evyapan, A. Kurtgözü, F. Korkut, P. Hekkert, J. Van Erp.
Ocak Ayı Kültür Etkinlikleri: Yüzyılın Başından Günümüze Çağdaş Sanatın Gelişimi (January Cultural Events: The Development of Contemporary Art in the 20th Century). January-February 1998, Taranta Babu Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul. Organisation of a month-long seminar. Contributors: Naz A.G.Z. Evyapan, Çetin Sarıkartal.
Fifth International Istanbul Biennial. Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, July-December 1997. Secretariat. Assistant to the Coordinator of Panels.
National Award Jury Memberships
TÜBİTAK BİDEB-2238 Üniversite Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçilik Yarışması, Bilim Merkezi Sergi Ünitesi Tasarımı Kategorisi, ön değerlendirme. Temmuz 2016. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Program for Supporting Scientists, Category of Exhibition Unit Design for Science Centres. July 2016.
MOSDER 6. Ulusal Ev Mobilyaları Tasarım Yarışması, Çok İşlevli Kanepe Kategorisi. MOSDER 6. Ntl. Home Furniture Design Competition, Category of Multifunctional Sofas. September 2010.
OMİM 50. Yıl Anı Eşya Tasarımı Yarışması. OMIM 50th Anniversary Memorial Product Design Competition. May 2006.
İMMİB 2006 Endüstriyel Tasarım Yarışmaları, Kozmetik Ambalaj Kategorisi. IMMIB Industrial Design Competition, Category of Cosmetics Packaging. March 2006.
Istanbul Design Week 2005 – ETMK En İyi Tasarım Ödülü. IDW 2005 – Best Design Award. September 2005.
İstanbul Design Week 2005 – ETMK Genç Tasarımcı Ödülü. IDW 2005 – ETMK Young Designer Award. September 2005.
2000’lerde Tasarımla Fark Yaratanlar ETMK-TİFAŞ 2005 sergisi katılımcı seçimi. Selection of participants for the ETMK-TİFAŞ 2005 Exhibition. August 2005.
ADesign Fair 2004 – Yılın Tasarımı Ödülü. ADesign Fair 2004 –Design of the Year Award. October 2004.
ADesign Fair 2004 – ETMK Genç Tasarımcı Ödülü. ADesign Fair 2004 – ETMK Young Designer Award. October 2004.
Design from East to West: Designers from Turkey, Frankfurt Messe Fuarı ETMK sergisi katılımcı seçimi. Selection of participants for the ETMK exhibition at Frankfurt Messe, Germany. June 2004.
Completed PhD Theses
Zeynep Karapars. Modelling Long-term User Experience for Mobile Phones. Date of Completion: September 2013. Co-supervisor.
Saadet Akbay Yenigül. Multi-Attitudinal Approaches of Colour Perception: Construing Basic Colours by Repertory Grid Technique. Date of Completion: January 2013. Sole Supervisor.
Completed MS Theses
Seyed Ahmed Jawwad Zaidi. Gamification as a Strategy to Improve User Experience with Interactive Museum Exhibits. Date of Completion: September 2016. Sole Supervisor.
Yavuz Paksoy. Attitudes towards 3D Surface Texture Samples Derived from Consumer Electronics. Date of Completion: February 2015. Sole Supervisor.
Dilem Akıner. Mass Customization through Online Shopping: A Study on Online Product Customization. Date of Completion: June 2015. Sole Supervisor.
Merve Aydın. Context of Use of Home Use Medical Devices: A Study on the Identification of Contextual Factors of CPAP Devices. Date of Completion: June, 2014. Sole Supervisor.
Seçil Köprülü. Relevancy of Bipolar Word Pairs across Product Categories: A Comparative Study between Automobiles and the IPhone User. Date of Completion: December 2010. Sole Supervisor.
Ezgi Ozan. Preferences and Evaluation Criteria of Preschool Children related to Different Types of Play Materials. Date of Completion: September 2008. Sole supervisor.
Esra Günlü. From Machine House to Smart Home: The Relationship between Technology and Private Sphere throughout the 20th Century. Date of Completion: December 2007. Sole supervisor.
Emine Kılıç. Effects of the Design of Toys on the Child-Toy Interaction in Special Education. Date of Completion: September 2007. Sole supervisor.
Müzeyyen Sözen. Design Consultancy in Turkey: A Study on the Business Structure, Services and Clients. Date of completion: February 2007. Sole supervisor.
Özge Ertoptamış. Enhancing Creativity in the Concept Generation Phase: Implementation of Black Box as a Tool for Analogical Reasoning. Date of completion: February 2007. Sole supervisor.
Duygu Keskin. Analysis of Public Use Bicycle Systems from a Product-Service System Perspective. Date of completion: December 2006. Sole supervisor.
Tülay Özkan. Visually-impaired users and product interaction: A study on the interfaces of washing machines, vacuum cleaners and irons. Date of completion: December 2006. Co-supervisor.