METU Alumni Day at our Department
On September 15th, 2018, our alumni celebrating their 10th, 20th and 30th years of graduation, received their medals with a high rate of participation.
On September 15th, 2018, our alumni celebrating their 10th, 20th and 30th years of graduation, received their medals with a high rate of participation.
17th Graduation Projects Exhibition and the fourth year final jury took place at the Culture and Convention Center between May 29 and 31, 2018. 53 students presented their work, supported by 35 firms. We would like to congratulate all our stakeholders once again for their hard work. [...]
Prof. Çiğdem Demir from Gazi University, Department of Visual Communication Design organized a one-day workshop on typography on 27th April, Friday.
Necdet Teymur Anısına Toplantı: Tasarım ve Mimarlıkta Kuram, Eğitim ve Söylem 20 Nisan 2018 | 13:30 | Kubbealtı Sergi: Necdet’ten 20 Nisan 2018 | 17:00 | Dekanlık Sergi Salonu ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi
Final presentations and closing ceremony of Interdisciplinary Design Studio 3 by METU Design Factory, which is conducted under ID403 Collaborative Design course, took place at the new Design Factory building on 20 January 2017. We congratulate our participating students and thank everyone who made it possible.
Our department hosted User Focused Design Workshop directed by Doğan Şekercioğlu from IDEO, USA. In the first session of the event which was organized by Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters Associations (IMMIB), Doğan Şekercioğlu presented IDEO’s design approach, design thinking methods and internet of things. In the afternoon he conducted [...]
On the first year anniversary of his passing, we are inviting you all to the commemoration event of our dear professor Güner Mutaf. The event will take place in Architecture Amphitheatre, METU, on March 2nd, 2015. Event Schedule 14:00 Ali Cengizkan - Opening Speech 14:10 Mehmet Asatekin - Güner’ce Tasarımdan Nerelere... 14:30 Tevfik Balcıoğlu - Tasarımda Kurumsallaşma: Gizli [...]
Check this video out, showing METU ID Graduation Projects Exhibition 2014. We thank METU GİSAM for the effort they put in the making of this video.
Graduation ceremony of Middle East Technical University was held on the 29th of June 2014, at "Devrim" (revolution) stadium. 29th of June being also World Industrial Design Day, the students and staff members celebrated both events.
METU ID would like to thank Ian James Storer and Ian Campbell from Loughborough Design School for their presentations and workshop this week, "Rapid Concept Development: 2D-3D Form Creation". We were presented with some great techniques for visualisation, focusing on Pinterest to gather style-based product imagery, Photoshop Mashing of images [...]