Yarı-zamanlı öğretim görevlimiz Damla Tönük Ph.D., 8 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba günü “Materiality, Design, and the Caveman” başlıklı bir seminer verecek. İlgilenen herkesi 12:30-13:30 saatleri arasında Kubbealtı’na bekliyoruz.

Damla TONUK acquired BSc and Msc degrees at the Department of Industrial Design, METU, and her PhD degree in Sociology at Lancaster University, UK. She is interested in the broader socio-material relations in which design sits. Her MSc study focused on the relationships between objects, everyday practices, and users, from material culture and practice theory perspectives. Her PhD research elaborated on material-product relationships from material culture and science and technology studies perspectives. She is working on theoretical framings of materials, conceptualisation of bio-materials, material-design relationships, materialisation of cultural forms.